New York Combinatorics Day 2025

Friday March 21, 2025

Hosted by 

CUNY Graduate Center

New York Combinatorics Day is held once a year at the Graduate Center, CUNY
Our goal is to provide a learning and sharing experience on recent developments in Combinatorics.
Please encourage your students to attend and present a poster.

Location: CUNY Graduate Center, 4th floor Science Room, 365 Fifth Avenue (at the corner of 34th Street and 5th Avenue) in Manhattan across from the Empire State Building.  The entrance is on 34th street and the Science Center is on the 4th floor.  

Registration:  There is no registration fee. However, please fill out the registration form since there are room capacity limitations.  The form has space to enter poster information. 

Schedule (in Eastern Time ET)

10:00 am:  Check-In 

10:30 am:  Pablo Soberón (Baruch College and the Graduate Center, CUNY) 

11:30 am: Rishi Nath (York College, CUNY)

12:30 am - 1:00 pm:  Lunch (8th floor cafeteria)

1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: Poster Session

2:15 pm:  Zhanar Berikkyzy (Fairfield University)



Pablo Soberón (Baruch College and the Graduate Center, CUNY) 

Title: Bisecting masses with hyperplane arrangements
Abstract: A hyperplane arrangement in R^d divides space into two sets via a chessboard coloring.  Given a set of measures, we can attempt to split each into two parts of equal size using the chessboard coloring of a hyperplane arrangement.  Special cases of this problem include the classic ham sandwich theorem by Banach or the necklace splitting theorem by Hobby and Rice.  We present a new common generalization of many mass partition results of this kind.  Surprisingly, the proof methods are not topological, breaking a long tradition in the area.  During this talk, we will describe the results that can be generalized this way and the reach of this new non-topological approach. This is a joint work with Alfredo Hubard. 

Rishi Nath (York College, CUNY)

Title: Core Connections: Partitions in Combinatorics, Number Theory and Representation Theory

Abstract: t-core partitions for positive integers t first arose in the study of the representation theory of the symmetric group. Since then, researchers have found connections between certain core partitions and modular forms, Dyck paths and parking functions. Here we survey important results in this field and highlight new and open problems.

Zhanar Berikkyzy (Fairfield University)

Title: Rainbow numbers of graphs and equations


Poster Session (1:00 - 2:00 pm)

There is a place to enter poster title and abstract on the registration form. Please bring your poster with you on the day of the event. If you have any questions about the poster session, email Sandra Kingan (


New York Combinatorics Day Steering Committee:
Kira Adaricheva,
Sandra Kingan (Chair)
Anna Pun
Abigail Raz
Lauren Rose
Eric Rowland